Jan 30, 2008

I didn't know Vincent was a Saint......

This next suggestion comes from a girl named Lindsay. She suggested St. Vincent. Once again here is a band that I have heard, but never gave the time of day. Then comes along a girl named Lindsay to slap me in my face and say "Hey! Idiot! Give her another chance." (She really didn't slap me). I'm glad she sent this in though:

Artist: St. Vincent
Song: "Your Lips Are Red"
Album: Marry Me


-This post suggested by Lindsay-

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I'm probably going to regret this post.... (I post the truth deal with it)

Like the title suggests, this post will probably take away all of my credibility..... (Even though I did not have much in the first place.) This band is one that MANY HATE.... but there are still people that like them. You can call them my guilty pleasure, or whatever, I don't care! Here it goes:

For some reason people cannot get past the fact that the lead singer of this band was also the lead member of Blink 182..... (I like them too. You can't turn your back on bands you loved in middle school.) I find Angels and Airwaves a great band. I guess the reason I like them so much is because it does have a Blink twang to it, but it is also WAY more mature sounding, and better produced. If you have skipped this band over just for the Blink tie in, please go back and reconsider.

Artist: Angels and Airwaves
Song: "The Adventure"
Album: We Don't Need to Whisper


I am hoping that this post will bring all of you out of your shells! Tell me what songs you love, and want people to know about. It DOESN'T have to be a new or unheard song. It can be just a song that YOU JUST LOVE!!!!!! Let me know blogg.wade@gmail.com

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Gray is the new gold...

Seeing that I'm a little lass stuck across the seas who happens to, um, love music, I figured that I could insert my two pence about my favorite music right now this side of the Atlantic. Although I too like to rock out with my, (insert whatever sort of body part you'd like here), I'd like to mellow the group down for a bit with a British musician who I've just recently really gotten to know. The "folk rock" artist, David Gray, is a very talented musician who is quite a well known name here in the UK, who sadly, has never received the musical attention he deserves back in the US.

This artist, who's songs you might recognize on a TV commercial or two, has actually been apart of the music scene since the '90s. Now at the ripe age of 39, Mr. Gray has a greatest hits album, is a frequent visitor to the UK music charts and has won multiple awards for his musical works which are heavily influenced by both guitar and piano. Gifted with an unique voice and way with lyrics, this Brit not only creates ridiculously good music, but possesses an eerie ability to capture moments in life that we all as human beings experience. On a personal side note, be sure to check out Gray's track, "This Year's Love." Not only does this track have simple yet beautiful piano chords and lyrics, but you might recognize it from the hilarious movie "The Girl Next Door." (It's the slow motion kissing scene at the party...hey they had to throw in a "I'd wish that would happen to me moment" for us girls ok?) I've attached a live version of the mentioned track below in a clip from YouTube. Check it out. It really is kinda spellbinding. Until next time, cheerio!

Artist: David Grey
Song: "This Years Love"
Album: Greatest Hits



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Romulus et Remus

Wolfmother may be a band that has kind of hit the back burners for a bit, however, with the release of a new albulm in the next few months, ears are sure to perk.

As I have said before in this blog, Wolfmother holds a special place in my memory being at the late/great Gypsy Tea Room with a bunch of my friends. If nothing warm and fuzzy were involved however, that still does not detract from the greatness of this Australian based band. Zeppelinish lyrics and sabbath like riffs, this band is sure to impress you if not perforate your eardrum. Tales From the Forest of the Gnomes is not their most popular track, but it is my favorite. Unfortunately, since is is relatively unpopular, the only videos of the song are crappy YouTube bootlegs taken from people's cell phones from concerts...No bueno. Therefore, it is better to listen to it from the band sites themselves. Playlist.com does have a version of it, but some dingus has sped the song up. Sorry for the convenience.

Band Site


Artist: Wolfmother
Album: Wolfmother
Track: Tales from the forest of the gnomes

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Jan 29, 2008


The main reason I created this blog is for people to post songs that bring about memories in them. They can be happy, sad, depressing, upbeat, downbeat (I assume there is one because there is an upbeat), and so on. This next post brings a memory of one of my best friends and a moment he and I shared. It only happend a couple of months ago, but it is one of my favorite memories of him. Billy, this one is for you:

Artist: Muse
Song: "Starlight"
Album: Black Holes and Revelations


We were at a Muse concert and they started to play this song. It is one that Bill (only I can call him that) and I like very much. Well, they get the crowd involved with the usual clapping sequence to go along with the song. If you have not heard it the sequence goes:
clap clap
clap clap clap

For some reason Billy could not get it. I found it to be one of the funniest things. So, now every time I hear this song, it makes me think of Billy; one of my all time best friends. It makes me love the song even more.

I hope that this post will spark something in you to send to me. Give me a song and a story behind it. I don't know what it is, but having a song tied to a memory just makes it more special. Please email me them at blogg.wade@gmail.com. I will post them as soon as I get them! Remember, the song can evoke any feeling you want......

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Jan 28, 2008

Diggin' that New Beaters:

This one comes from another good friend of mine. He claims he was "stumbling" one night on the internet, and found this video and group. (If you do not know what stuble is go check it out now www.stumbleupon.com) Anyway, I too have stumbled across this video like him, but he gave the great idea to put it on the blog. Here Ya Go!

Artist: Naive New Beaters
Song: "Live Good"
Album: Live Good EP


CD available on iTunes.

-This post suggested by Chris H.-

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I've been lazzzzzzyyyy....... Sorry

I have been really lazy on posting and such. I have gotten a couple of requests for posts, and here is one of them: This one comes from one of our earlier posts subject John Spengler. Thank you John for this great suggestion. Hillsong United is a Christian worship group out of Australia. There is just something about a song where everyone around you starts to sing united (no pun intended). I forgot how some worship songs can make you feel. Give it a listen.

Artist: Hillsong United
Song: "To Know Your Name"
Album: Saviour King [LIVE]


-This post suggested by John-

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Jan 27, 2008

"Lupe (Fiasco) steal like Lupin The Third"

Here is something you don't often find on this blog. A rapper.

I have been playing sports my entire life and there is nothing that can get you pumped up for a game like a rap song. This is one of my favorite rappers, Lupe Fiasco. He isn't as hard as some other rappers out there, but I like his stuff none the less and I think you should all check out his new CD. He also isn't really huge yet, so he is worth a listen to and I guarantee the more of his stuff you check out, the more beats you will have stuck in your head, and be alright with it.

Artist: Lupe Fiasco
Song: Superster
Album: The Cool



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Jan 25, 2008

For Vedder or Worse

Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam may have beaten the proverbial dead horse with the release of the most recent Pearl Jam album but solo work doesn't disappoint.

As a toe tag to my last entry about Kaki King, Eddie Vedder recently scored the music to the modestly successful Into the Wild released this past September. While the film was indeed worth seeing, the soundtrack that consisted exclusively of our grunge rocking friend on every instrument showed that Eddie has not lost his edge. Try Hard Sun on for size and then ease into the rest of it. Or, if you wish, see the film to enjoy the music in its context as the film does not distract from the music, it compliments it, and vice versa.

The song is actually a cover of an Indio song from way back in 1989 but it is a good version regardless.

Song: Hard Sun
Album: Into the Wild: Music From the Motion Picture
Artist: Eddie Vedder

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Jan 23, 2008

I am a Foo Fighter

I know most, if not all of you, have heard of the Foo Fighters and are probably fans. Well I am writing this just because I am going to their concert tonight at the American Airlines Center and it is going to be awesome.

Most of you who have heard of the Foo Fighters have heard of the song Everlong, it is one of my favorites and is one of their biggest hits.But also check out another great song called Generator. That is actually my favorite by this amazing band. It is one of their lesser known hits off the "Their is Nothing Left to Lose" album.

Artist: Foo Fighters
Song: Generator
Album: There is Nothing Left to Lose



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Jan 22, 2008

Try being The Servant for once

All I am going to post are a couple quotes about the band The Servant other than giving you my expert opinion, mostly because they say everything I want to say, and more eloquently, about what has been one of my favorite bands for the last three years.

"It’s a very hard job to label how The Servant sounds – practically impossible. A soul immersed in punk, with funky and electronic vibrations, references to the 80’s, dance and hip-hop influences… The Servant is all that and more, reflecting the eclectic verve of its leader Dan Black."

Plum Music 2007

"The Servant's unique sound which blends Radioheadish experimental tunes with sixties undertones and with a fair indulgence of guitar encrusted rock n' roll, all led by a mesmerising, even if bordering on neurotic, front man."
Paolo Gandolfi: Music News, London Dec 06

"A boy falling to bits over weaving striplight guitars while a psychotic monkey and retired drug dealer dance around the smouldering remains of a vintage snare."
The "Sounds Like" section on The Servant's myspace page

The song I want you to check out is called Orchestra. It is an amazing song from their self-titled debut album a couple years ago. But don't stop there, get the CD and listen to it all, it is truly amazing. They have some newer stuff out, and don't get me wrong that stuff is good too, but there is nothing they can do on any new stuff that can top their old stuff.

Artist: The Servant
Song: Orchestra
Album: The Servant



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I always sucked at Grammar.....

This next band comes out of New York. They have a unique different sound. They have mixed a style of rap/hip-hop that is brought to gether with a rock/electronic beat and lyrics. The song I'm suggesting kinda has a lead singer that sounds like Panic At The Disco, so if you are a fan of them check these guys out.

Artist: The Grammar
Song: "Bank Holiday"
Album: Bremelanotide



I have also been informed that their music is free for download at their site.

-This song suggested by Mark R.-

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Jan 21, 2008

I want some Action Action

This is a band that our good buddy Wade turned me on to about three years ago and I have been loving Action Action's music ever since.

Action Action has a very electric sound and their lyrics are a little emo. And with that said many of you stopped reading this blog, but those of you that stayed will be glad you did when you check out the band and give them a chance. I find their music a little addicting and it is impossible to listen to any of their songs with out a head bob or toe tap. This song is my favorite by them and it is called Paper Cliche, but all of their songs are awesome. Enjoy.

P.S. I couldn't find an official music video for this song, but this could work. You might learn some dance moves too.

Artist: Action Action
Song: Paper Cliche
Album: An Army of Shapes Between Wars



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Hey Ya another cover

Finally! A girl team member!! I'm happy to be here (:

I know I usually suggest ska bands but here is a band that I love! Obadiah Parker is a group that can put a smile on your face no matter what. Most of you might have heard of their cover of the outkast song "Hey Ya" but I love it too much to not put it up. Their website bio says "their sound incorporates elements of funk, R&B, gospel, blues, and folk through a singer/songwriter’s lens. Upon listening to this original and natural blend of styles you can’t help but admit that this band’s got soul." Check them out!

Band: Obadiah Parker

Song: "Hey Ya"

Album: Obadiah Parker Live

Here's some links to check out:

Obadiah Parker website


-This post was originally posted by Katie, but something happened.-

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Who are you? Become who you are.

Once again the music horizon broadens!! More and more we are getting suggestions rom people we don't know. I think it is great! I'm just stoked that we are getting suggestions. (I keep saying it because it is so cool):

Artist: Mainstay
Song: "Become Who You Are"
Album: Become Who You Are



-This post suggested by Farah-

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Happyhardcoreska (That's a new one to me)

So my good friend sent me this one. Happyhardcorska is how she described them. I figured it is all one word because the rest of her email had good grammar, and everything else was spaced and spelled correctly. I guess this is a happy band who plays hardcore ska music...... so i guess the description is dead on:

Artist: The Impossibles
Song: "Anthology"
Album: Everyday


Unfortuneately there is no youtube video or song on playlist.com that has The Impossibles. If you can find something let me know and I will link it.

-This post suggested by Katie-

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Jan 20, 2008

Hey there:

Hey everyone, just a reminder that in order to keep putting posts up we need new material. This new material comes from you!!! please email us all of your suggestions, and we promise you that we will post them as soon as we get to it. Please email to: blogg.wade@gmail.com

Thanks again. I put a funny video after the jump

This song is just a funny version

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The way things go...

Here's a little dance/electronic/indie type music for all of you. It's some good, semi-local stuff out of Austin, TX. You may or may not have heard of them, but either way check this stuff out. You'll be hippin' and hoppin'.

The Octopus Project
Song: The Way Things Go
Album: Identification Parade

You can also check this out on the playlist.

Here's a video of some kids yo-yo-ing, but just listen to the song...or you can watch some yo-yo's as well.

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Caught in the Ceili Rain

Ceili Rain is a band that is getting some serious recognition on the Christian music scene.

The band won two 2006 Unity awards, Catholic music awards, one for best group and the other for best music video. They are also a big contributor to the Web site www.spiritandsong.com. I was fortunate enough to see this band in 2004 at the National Catholic Youth Conference in Houston. They were by far my favorite band their and I am glad they went on stage at Reliant Stadium in Houston. It was also great that they played at eight in the morning so I could wake up to. The song I want all of you to check out is "Barely Stay Inside of My Own Skin." It is an upbeat song that makes you glad for all of the happy moments in your life, and I have had this song on repeat the last two days.

Artist: Ceili Rain
Song: Barely Stay Inside of My Own Skin
Album: Erasers on Pencils



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Just so all of you know: COMMENTING IS WELCOME!!!!!!! Anyone can comment on any post. I have to confirm it, but feel free to leave as many comments on as many posts as you wish!!!! Please please please leave comments!

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Jan 19, 2008

Catch the Rogue Wave

Everyone who has a Zune, like myself, or just got one recently can thank this band for the growing popularity of Microsoft's star MP3 player.

Rogue Wave's single "Lake Michigan" is a song that throws all kinds of musical elements into a stew pot, stirs it and serves it hot and fresh. It starts slow and takes a little while to get into, but your patience will be rewarded by some strong lyrics and an array of sounds banging on your ear drums.

Artist: Rogue Wave
Song: Lake Michigan
Album: Asleep at Heaven's Gate

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It's a Circa in here-

Artist: Circa Survive
Song: "In Fear and Faith"
Album: Juturna



-This post suggested by Chad-

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Something Amazing has Happend!!!!!

Thanks to one of our readers, I'm looking at you Amanda, we have an amazing new feature that helps bring most of the songs to you where you can listen to them. On the left hand side of every page is a music player. On this music player you will find the last 20 songs posted on this blog. The player does not start automatically because that would be annoying. You can click on the standalone button and it will bring the player up in a new window! This way you can keep surfing the web while you are discovering new music. The only draw back is not every song is on the website due to some of them are very obscure or they are local musicians. Find the player after the jump:

Thank you SO MUCH Amanda! I have never even met this girl, and she has already made herslef one of my best friends.

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Slap Happy Kaki

If you are like me, you have an illness of the heart that can only be filled by music, you could say I have a greed for it. It was no different when I first heard the work of this wonderfully gifted woman. Kaki King combines folk finger picking, slap guitar, and an intense plethora of chord vocabulary to produce a musical tapestry that can consist of soft warm drones and then shift suddenly to an angry tribal flurry of percussive hammer ons.

Ms. King is not however by any means a lightweight newcomer to the music world but she is just now coming into her own. She helped score the Sean Penn film Into the Wild (2007) with Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder, Wrote, played and improvised the major guitar tracks from this past November's August Rush (2007) directed by Kirsten Sheridan. She has also been featured by the Grohlmeister himself. Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters featured Kaki on his latest album Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace (2007) on the track entitled The Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners. Her solo work however, is not to be overshadowed as it is some of the most amazing music I have ever heard. Listen and enjoy.

Artist: Kaki King
Song: Playing With Pink Noise
Album: Legs to Make Us Longer



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Diversity begins......

My friend Katie wrote me an email saying, "Hey! I know that my imput on the music will be different from the stuff you are putting on there but think of it as diversity!", I need to stress again that THIS IS WHY I CREATED THIS BLOG! Diversity!!! I need suggestions from all walks of music! This one is from Katie:

Artist: Streetlight Manifesto
Song: "Somewhere in the Between"
Album: Somewhere in the Between



"This is my favorite band that is still together. It's a third/fourth wave ska band so they have a really hard sound for ska. Rarely do i ever like every single song on an album but both of their albums and the re-release of an old album are amazing. Their first album, everything goes numb, is really amazing too. Listen to them for me!" - Katie

-This post suggested by Katie-

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Jan 18, 2008

We're getting biGGER!!!

We have a new poster!!!!! Joel, the one who brought us The Weepies, is going to join the MC team! We still need more suggestions, and readers, so keep telling your friends!! Be really annoying about it, but not too annoying to where you ruin your friendship, just the right amount. So, before joel starts posting, I am going to post his latest song suggestion:

Artist: The National
Song: "Fake Empire"
Album: Boxer


"Kinda sounds like Interpol to me, but I like The National better. Rated the best album of 2007 by Paste Magazine."- Joel

-This post suggested by Joel-

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Blow out the cobwebs

I cannot spell the name Desaparecidos on command, but I still love this one-off band led by Bright Eyes frontman Conor Oberst. This song is for folks who wake up, fight traffic and go to a job where their ideas are disregarded because of their youth. Beware, kids, it rocks.

Artist: Desaparecidos
Song: Greater Omaha
Album: Read Music/Speak Spanish

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Jan 17, 2008

Causing a Frenzy-

First, suggestion from a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Anneka! Ok so here we Go....... Never heard of this group. I gave them a listen, and she is not that bad. It doesnt matter what I think. It matters what you think. Giver her a listen:

Artist: A Fine Frenzy
Song: "Almost Lover"
Album: One Cell in the Sea



"I must suggest A Fine Frenzy. The music is so personal and haunting. My favorite single would have to be "Almost Lover""-Anneka

I found a new group to love!
-This post suggested by Anneka-

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Ride that Pony!!

This is another one of those bands that I have heard of, but never really gave a chance. It is not that I did not like them, it is probably because I was listening to something else at the time. I know excuses are like butts, everybody has one, and they all stink. Anyway, the song:

Artist: Band of Horses
Song: "The General Specific"
Album: Cease to Begin

"Their first album was good and this is a solid second one. They have a myspace and they're on iTunes."- Joel


-This post suggested by Joel-

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Something a little harder-

Now we are finally getting into a bigger genre spectrum!!! This next suggestion is of a band that stick to the old rock recipe (and adding their own ingredients) of fast licks and power chord melodies that add up to some cool rock music. Thanks to John S. (a person I have never met by the way..... Just had to say that because it is awesome that people are actually participating) I would probably never had heard of this band:

Song: "Opener"
Album: The Potential Threat

Nothing yet on YouTube that can be used. If somebody finds something, let me know.

-This post suggested by John S.-

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Nothing better than a Bloc Party

So, here is the next suggestion. This one comes from Winthrop Alsop Jackson IV...... I just call him Win. Thanks Win! Ok so he suggest a song by Bloc Party. They are a great band with a unique sound that comes from the UK. Over the years this band has become one of my favorites. They are a band that you can keep coming back to, and still love their fast crazy beats. So anyway, the song:

Artist: Bloc Party
Song: Positive Tension
Album: Silent Alarm
-This post suggested by Win-

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John Sprengler.... Oh I'm sorry that's Spengler

Sorry for the typo. John is use to it though, I'm sure. Now John is a friend of mine. (Yes another friend post) I'm doing these post not because I have friends that make music, and I'm obligated to. No, it is because I have friends that make great music! John is a one man band that does everything on his recordings. I wish the best for him. Now on to the song:

Artist: John Spengler
Song: "And I Don't"
Album: It is Well EP


Cd available on his Myspace

Unfortunately, John does not have anything on youtube for me to post here. If any of you can find something please let me know

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So, today I have been updating the site with new layouts and features. I have a lot more to do, but I have very little knowledge of the xml format it needs to be in so it is going to take awhile to get everything up and running the way I want to. If there is a reader out there that is good with this sort of stuff PLEASE contact me!!!! I'm still looking for more and more help with running this blog. Things to come:
This is me begging for coders..... It doesn't look like me.....

  • embedded music
  • Custom Page
  • Digg it
  • Link to Facebook
  • Link to Other sites
  • More Ads
  • Of course MORE POSTS!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying the posts, and I hope people are finding new music, or you are reminded of an old song.

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I also enjoy dancing!

I could go into about why I've listened to this song on repeat this morning, but it's self-explanatory. I know others have stopped and thought about the girls (or guys) that were really special, but somehow still slipped through their fingers. When I think those thoughts, Philly soul is what I listen to. Here's the O'Jays.


Artist: The O'Jays
Song: "Use Ta Be My Girl"
Album: So Full of Love

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Jan 16, 2008

Dance Dance Dance

Ok so it is time for something new. It's time for a dance song!!!!! For those of you that know me, know that I do not dance..... The reason is because, frankly, I look ridiculous.... I made myself sad. Anyway this next song is one of those that just make you ant to dance no matter what you are doing. Anyway the song:

Artist: The Faint
Song: Take Me To The Hospital
Album: Saddle Creek 50



I love The Faint!!! If you have not heard of this band I am sorry, you are missing out!!!! Go listen right now! GO! It's ok I will wait........ Well? What did you think? You danced didn't you? You did!!!!!! Everyone needs to dance. I dont care who you are.... I hope you enjoyed this one.

Photo by: Scott Dobry

There is no music video for this song, but there is a user created video using the song. Enjoy:

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A little rant about cover songs......

Just so you know Wednesdays are going to be slow days. It is a day of work then school..... Boring I know. So I get to do one post for sure today! So here is todays post:

Before I get into this I have to express something I feel about music. I feel that a band should not make it big because of a cover song. A band should make good music then if they feel like doing a homage to someone, then more power to them. Bands that fall into the 'Make it big on somebodies music' are

  • Alien Ant Farm (Smooth Criminal)
  • Miser (Zombie)
  • Iron and Wine (Such Great Heights)

Now I am not saying these bands are bad. I'm just saying I did not hear of them until their cover song came out. The radio would play them over and over and over and over.... Oh sorry. Anyway I find it annoying.

Then something wonderful comes along. I will be re-introduced to one such band, and take back everything I said about them. This is where the post comes in. Iron and Wine have redeemed themselves with their new single Boy With a Coin.

Artist: Iron and Wine
Song: Boy With a Coin
Album: The Shepherd's Dog

If you too were turned away from a band because they made it 'big' from somebody else's work, this might be the time to take a second look and listen. In fact, this whole album is good. I am now jealous of people who got to know Iron and Wine through this song and not Such Great Heights. They get to enjoy a new band with a great song.

The video to this song is just so simple and beautiful in its own! Just push play, you know you want to.

CD Also Available on iTunes

P.S. My roommate just came in and says "You do know Iron and Wine had 2 CDs before that song came out right?" My respons, "At the time..... no!!!!" That is what this whole blog is about! I just had to write this. Enjoy!

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Derek Trucks Band - Crow Jane

"Derek is the nephew of Butch Trucks, drummer for The Allman Brothers, and a slide guitarist in the vein of Duane Allman. His newest release, Songlines, is truly a revelation in jazz-tinged roots rock and I would recommend it to anyone. It's really a shame that he is as underappreciated as he is."

Thanks, Clay!

Crow Jane by Derek Trucks:


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Jan 15, 2008

The Kinks - This Time Tomorrow, Strangers

I listen to so much music that it can be easy for me become numb to sound, but the Kinks cut through my musical apathy with these two songs from 1972's Lola Versus The Powerman.

The first is Strangers, written by Dave Davies. The second is This Time Tomorrow, written by his brother, Ray. Both these songs are best heard late at night in the company of good friends.

Artist: The Kinks
Song: Strangers, This Time Tomorrow
Album: Lola Versus the Powerman

This Time Tomorrow:



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Thnak You Joel! -The Weepies "Take It From Me"-

The emails are starting to trickle in!!! This next one comes from a buddy of mine when I went to TCU. Thanks again Joel:

Artist: The Weepies
Song: Take It From Me
Album: Say I Am You


CD Also available on iTunes.

I have actually heard of The Weepies, but I have not had a chance to listen to them. Thanks to Joel for reminding me of them! Here is an exerpt from what Joel wrote:

"Here is a band you should put up, The Weepies. I just got introduced to them a few weeks back. The whole CD, Say I am You, is really good...but I would say to put up the song "Take it from Me". Their myspace is www.myspace.com/theweepies. It has the song on the myspace and they are on iTunes."

Thanks again Joel. Keep 'em coming!

*The video below is a random slide show of some sort..... push play and just listen, look away.*

-This post suggested by Joel (and he was told by his girlfriend-

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Travis - Selfish Jean

Travis is a band from London. They have an upbeat tone with an old twist to it as well. Unfortunately Charlie did not pick a song for me to listen to, so I chose one, and ended up liking it. It's always good to have a band to where you can randomly pick a song and even remotely like it.

Artist: Travis
Song: Selfish Jean
Album: The Boy With No Name



-This suggestion once again by Charlie-

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First Song Suggestion!!!!! One Hand Loves The Other

Ok here it is folks, the first song suggestion! I'm so excited that it has already started. I put this blog up only 23 hours ago, and I have had 50 visits. This person emailed me with a song suggestion.... no wait, 6 suggestions. Awesome. I will do the first one on his list and come back to the rest at a later date. Ok so here we go with Suggestion #1:

Artist: One Hand Loves The Other
Song: Tourtise
Album: ::OHLtO::

You can also purchase on iTunes

This is why I created the site!!!! I have found a new song and band to listen to. This is why I encourage everyone to participate. Eventually you will find something new and exciting to listen to!

Thank you so much Charlie. Hopefully this is the first of many!

Charlie also has a myspace, because he does some home recording. Go check him out.
Jet City Rotation

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Damien Rice- Creep

Ok, so I bet many of you did not know this, but Damien Rice has a version Radiohead's Creep. Both versions are great, but there is just something about this version that just makes you want to sing along no matter where you are! Unfortunately, I don't think he has released it on a CD version. If there is a way for you to find it please let me know. Just a reminder please don't post links to where one can acquire stuff illegally.

Artist: Damien Rice
Song: Creep
Album: N/A



Update: So, I found this video. The quality is not that great, but you get to hear the awesomeness of his version please take a listen.

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Menomena- Wet and Rusting

This is a band I stumbled on about a year ago. We all have seen the Diet Dr. Pepper where the guy and girl are sitting at a table in a restaurant. All of a sudden the man and everyone around the woman start singing with the only word being Menomena....
Anyway check this band out. They have a great peaceful sound.

Band: Menomena
Song: Wet and Rusting
Album: Friend or Foe

Buy the CD here....

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Jan 14, 2008

First Post: Levi Weaver- Family Feud

So, this is the first actual post. Levi Weaver is a musician that was in a band with my buddy. He is currently working on his own and everyday gets better and better. I have not been able to put down his CD. He recently came out with a new CD, and this is where I get the first song.

Artist: Levi Weaver
Song: Family Feud
Album: You Are Never Close to Home, You Are Never Far From Home

You can purchase his CD here: You Are Never Close to Home, You Are Never Far From Home
Also he has a Myspace. Become his friend and fan:
Levi Weaver

This song has TONS of energy and tells a sad tale. Listen to it at least twice. First time listen without paying attention. Second time listen to the story. I get goosebumps every time.

Levi spans across multiple genres; that is why I labled him rock and country.

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Blog Mission:

This is a place for the music community. I am always on the search for a good song. Be it old, or new, it does not matter. I will be posting songs that I have loved. On each post I will try to find an embedded form or a link so that you the reader can experience it as well.

This blog is not just for me to push my music onto you. It is for you to contact me and give me suggestions to post on here as well. Just shoot me an email, and I will try my best to post and give credit accordingly. I will try to find an embedded format, but it would be so much more helpful if you could give links in the email. Also in the email feel free to write on why you like the songs; the memories it brings about, or why you are listening to it so much. This adds a personal touch to a song suggestion. Maybe someone out there is feeling down, and they want a song to dance to.

I want this space to be for ALL music. Any lewd or rude comment will be deleted. I don't mind expressing feelings on songs, but try and keep it on a more mature stance. Music makes life, and we all can use a new song to live to.

This site will not work without you, and your suggestions. Please help start a great experience for people who just want something good to listen to.

email to: blogg.wade@gmail.com

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