Jan 29, 2008


The main reason I created this blog is for people to post songs that bring about memories in them. They can be happy, sad, depressing, upbeat, downbeat (I assume there is one because there is an upbeat), and so on. This next post brings a memory of one of my best friends and a moment he and I shared. It only happend a couple of months ago, but it is one of my favorite memories of him. Billy, this one is for you:

Artist: Muse
Song: "Starlight"
Album: Black Holes and Revelations


We were at a Muse concert and they started to play this song. It is one that Bill (only I can call him that) and I like very much. Well, they get the crowd involved with the usual clapping sequence to go along with the song. If you have not heard it the sequence goes:
clap clap
clap clap clap

For some reason Billy could not get it. I found it to be one of the funniest things. So, now every time I hear this song, it makes me think of Billy; one of my all time best friends. It makes me love the song even more.

I hope that this post will spark something in you to send to me. Give me a song and a story behind it. I don't know what it is, but having a song tied to a memory just makes it more special. Please email me them at blogg.wade@gmail.com. I will post them as soon as I get them! Remember, the song can evoke any feeling you want......

1 comment:

Codie said...

Any time I hear Wolfmother or Silversun Pickups, I think of the time that Billy, Chris, my friend Brent and I went to that concert back when The Gypsy Tea Room was still open. There was this dude there who was so plastered, he kept running into Billy to where finally Billy convinced the guy that he needed to crowd surf...we crowd surfed him away from us and everything was great until he found his way back. It was also Chris's first concert ever.